Saturday, July 20, 2013

To Talia

Talia Joy Castellano sadly passed away on Tuesday, June 16th, 2013 at 11:22 a.m. She has been one of my biggest role models for about 2 years. She was kind, brave, and she was a fighter of 2 types of cancer. Neuroblastoma and Pre-Leukemia. What I think happened was in the hospital the Pre-Leukemia evolved into major Leukemia. I think that the combo of the 2 aggressive cancers killed her. But she is not dead to us. She will always be with us. She never left. Talia is so inspirational, every one is saying that she isn't dead, and that she just is in a very bad state. Then her sister, Mattia, uploaded a video on her channel about how Talia "Left her handprints and footprints on the world." I can't hold it, but I need you guys to help me. Just visit her website,, and believe in her. She's not gone. She can't be... Stay beautiful, with lots of ♥, Caroline.

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