Sunday, July 14, 2013

Packing and Going on Vacation/Camping

So today I am leaving to go to a camp for my church. I had to pack last minute because we had to get me new shoes for the walking and stuff. Anyway, I will give you some tips for when you pack and what to do when you're on the way and finally, when you are actually there.

     My brother always said, "The first rule to packing is that you can always pack lighter." But he's a guy, he can't understand us as girl's needs. (No offense to any guys.) But here's what I think.

Step 1: If you have more than one pairs of shows, make sure you have somewhere to put them before you just stuff them in, the suitcase or duffel bag will not close, I had to put 4 pairs of shoes into my packing list, luckily, I have to wear my tennis shoes like, EVERYWHERE!

Step 2: Make sure that your toiletries are all in one place, if you keep them separate, it will take up more room, and it's more likely that you will lose something. I just put everything inside a little plastic caddy.

Step 3: Put all of your clothes/outfits in one bag. I put one outfit for one day in a bag, and another outfit in another. This way, you can save space and you can just take a bag and go to the bathroom or whatever and get dressed.

On the road or in the air:

Step 1: Make sure you are hydrated, the last thing you want is to be sick because you were dehydrated. I know this from experience.

Step 2: Make sure you SHOWER before the trip. You don't want to feel all gross and smell bad when you are trapped in a vehicle with other people. And I'm positive that the other passengers will appreciate it.

Step 3: Make sure you have someone on the bus, in the car, or on the plane that you can trust or go to. Such as, a parent, a best friend, a sibling, a youth minister, etc. You need to know that if you have a problem, whether it be you don't feel very good or you feel homesick, you need to be able to have someone.

Finally, at the location:

Step 1: If it is ridiculously humid, make sure to bring oil blotting sheets. If it is extremely dry, bring a moisturizer.

Step 2: Always have shoes on, you never want to step on rocks or sharp objects, and I know this is hard, whenever I have on my flip flops, I always take them off and run, just try not to do that.

Step 3: HAVE FUN!

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