Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Decorating Cakes

Cakes. They can be very annoying sometimes. Especially when you are trying to decorate them, trust me, I've had plenty of experience with failing at decorating with icing.It can either be way too soft, or not adjustable at all. Sometimes, you just need to thin it out just enough to make a "pipeable" consistency.

1. Try to hold the piping bag straight unless you are doing drop piping. Which you probably aren't doing if you need help from a blogger. Anyway, If you are doin any sort of decorating, a 90 degree angle is usually the best.
2. You have to have the icing at a fairly certain consistency. It can't be too thick and it can't be too thin.
3. if you get your icing in a can, make sure to let it be at room temperature and you need to stir it to make sure that is all one smooth consistency.

 The olny thing youreally need to know about sprinkles is that they make a mess. If you really want to use sprinkles, just know that there is a lot of clean up work ahead of you. :)

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