Friday, July 5, 2013

Red Lips

Some people are terrified of red lips. It bleeds, gets on your teeth, and it's a pain to take off.Well, I got you! ♥

Step 1: Make sure your lips are properly conditioned. They cannot be chapped, if you need a little bit of help, use the MAC Prep and Prime Lip Conditioner.

Step 2: Use a red lipliner. If you want a higher pigmentation, use a cream stick instead of regular.

Step 3: Depending on your preferred look, choose your favorite finish of red lipstick. Also, it has to correspond with your skin tone. To find out your skin tone, go into natural light, and look at your veins. If they are olive or greenish, you have a warm undertone to your skin, so you would use an orange undertone red. If they are blueish, you have a cool undertone to your skin, so you would use a blue undertone red. If you are like me, and you can't really tell, you are probably neutral, so you can pull of any undertone of lipstick. If you need to, use a lipbrush.

Step 4: Use any type of makeup remover, whether it be wipes or just with a cotton bud, go around your lips and clean it up. Then use your regular skin tone concealer and go around your lips.

(Optional) Step 5: After you have concealed and powdered around your lips, take a red or clear gloss and apply it to your lips. Try not to add too much because it could bleed or get onto your teeth. Gross.

So, if you are wanting the perfect red lip, get one, and don't be afraid. :)

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