Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Decorating Cakes

Cakes. They can be very annoying sometimes. Especially when you are trying to decorate them, trust me, I've had plenty of experience with failing at decorating with icing.It can either be way too soft, or not adjustable at all. Sometimes, you just need to thin it out just enough to make a "pipeable" consistency.

1. Try to hold the piping bag straight unless you are doing drop piping. Which you probably aren't doing if you need help from a blogger. Anyway, If you are doin any sort of decorating, a 90 degree angle is usually the best.
2. You have to have the icing at a fairly certain consistency. It can't be too thick and it can't be too thin.
3. if you get your icing in a can, make sure to let it be at room temperature and you need to stir it to make sure that is all one smooth consistency.

 The olny thing youreally need to know about sprinkles is that they make a mess. If you really want to use sprinkles, just know that there is a lot of clean up work ahead of you. :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

To Talia

Talia Joy Castellano sadly passed away on Tuesday, June 16th, 2013 at 11:22 a.m. She has been one of my biggest role models for about 2 years. She was kind, brave, and she was a fighter of 2 types of cancer. Neuroblastoma and Pre-Leukemia. What I think happened was in the hospital the Pre-Leukemia evolved into major Leukemia. I think that the combo of the 2 aggressive cancers killed her. But she is not dead to us. She will always be with us. She never left. Talia is so inspirational, every one is saying that she isn't dead, and that she just is in a very bad state. Then her sister, Mattia, uploaded a video on her channel about how Talia "Left her handprints and footprints on the world." I can't hold it, but I need you guys to help me. Just visit her website,, and believe in her. She's not gone. She can't be... Stay beautiful, with lots of ♥, Caroline.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Packing and Going on Vacation/Camping

So today I am leaving to go to a camp for my church. I had to pack last minute because we had to get me new shoes for the walking and stuff. Anyway, I will give you some tips for when you pack and what to do when you're on the way and finally, when you are actually there.

     My brother always said, "The first rule to packing is that you can always pack lighter." But he's a guy, he can't understand us as girl's needs. (No offense to any guys.) But here's what I think.

Step 1: If you have more than one pairs of shows, make sure you have somewhere to put them before you just stuff them in, the suitcase or duffel bag will not close, I had to put 4 pairs of shoes into my packing list, luckily, I have to wear my tennis shoes like, EVERYWHERE!

Step 2: Make sure that your toiletries are all in one place, if you keep them separate, it will take up more room, and it's more likely that you will lose something. I just put everything inside a little plastic caddy.

Step 3: Put all of your clothes/outfits in one bag. I put one outfit for one day in a bag, and another outfit in another. This way, you can save space and you can just take a bag and go to the bathroom or whatever and get dressed.

On the road or in the air:

Step 1: Make sure you are hydrated, the last thing you want is to be sick because you were dehydrated. I know this from experience.

Step 2: Make sure you SHOWER before the trip. You don't want to feel all gross and smell bad when you are trapped in a vehicle with other people. And I'm positive that the other passengers will appreciate it.

Step 3: Make sure you have someone on the bus, in the car, or on the plane that you can trust or go to. Such as, a parent, a best friend, a sibling, a youth minister, etc. You need to know that if you have a problem, whether it be you don't feel very good or you feel homesick, you need to be able to have someone.

Finally, at the location:

Step 1: If it is ridiculously humid, make sure to bring oil blotting sheets. If it is extremely dry, bring a moisturizer.

Step 2: Always have shoes on, you never want to step on rocks or sharp objects, and I know this is hard, whenever I have on my flip flops, I always take them off and run, just try not to do that.

Step 3: HAVE FUN!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of blog posts lately. You see, we have my aunt, uncle, and 3 year old cousin here from Arizona. My time has been mostly dedicated to making my cousin's 3rd birthday family celebration cake and when I'm not doing that, I'm socializing with the rest of my family. So, sorry! I just love them so much. So until I see you next time, stay beautiful. With lots of ♥, Caroline.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rhinestones and Jewels

Aren't rhinestones awesome? They add a little bit of sparkle and glitz to your look. So does glitter, but that is incredibly hard to take off. I have had my fair share of troubles with glitter not coming off, getting in my eyes, nose, and mouth... Gr. Rhinestones and jewels are so nice and pretty because they are easy to put on and take off, as long as you do it the right way. Here are some tips:

Nails: If you ever want to put rhinestones or special 3-D decals on your nails, top coat or nail glue will be your best friend. If you want tot use a top coat, you will need to have more patience to wait for it to dry, where as if you have nail glue, it will be dry a lot sooner. But, you will most likely have a top coat rather than nail glue, but if you have both, I would personally recommend nail glue, it's a more reassured hold and it is way more secure feeling. But top coat works just as well. ♥

Skin: Okay, there is a lot of stuff you can use to put jewels on your face.
You can use:

  • Eyelash glue
  • Liquid latex
  • Spirit gum
  • Elmer's School Liquid and Stick Glue
  • Anything sticky
When you use any color, make sure it's a color that is noticeable, if you want a color, it has to POP! If you want it more settle, use a silver or clear jewel.

With lots of ♥, Caroline ♥

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blue Eyeshadow

Have you ever heard of Makeup Geek on YouTube? She did a video on how to use blue eyeshadow. And frankly, I thought that it was amazing. But the only problem is, she told you ways to pull it off, but, you just need to know what shade to use. Light blues, deep blues, they don't always work on everyone. If you have very fair skin, you should work with more light blues. If you have deeper skin, you should work towards deeper blues and navy blues. If you are like me, and you have slightly tanner skin, you should work towards mid-toned blues. The reason that you need to use corresponding  colors is because the blue should create way too much contrast between your skin color and your eyeshadow color. Then you'll look like a train wreck. No one wants that.


Good morning everyone! My daily post will be up in a couple of hours, so yeah... So until then, keep an eye out. I WUV YOU!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013


Make sure to watch the whole video, it seems like "Welcome To My Blog" for the whole videos, but I promise, it's only 7 seconds.  ♥♥♥

Welcome To My Blog

Red Lips

Some people are terrified of red lips. It bleeds, gets on your teeth, and it's a pain to take off.Well, I got you! ♥

Step 1: Make sure your lips are properly conditioned. They cannot be chapped, if you need a little bit of help, use the MAC Prep and Prime Lip Conditioner.

Step 2: Use a red lipliner. If you want a higher pigmentation, use a cream stick instead of regular.

Step 3: Depending on your preferred look, choose your favorite finish of red lipstick. Also, it has to correspond with your skin tone. To find out your skin tone, go into natural light, and look at your veins. If they are olive or greenish, you have a warm undertone to your skin, so you would use an orange undertone red. If they are blueish, you have a cool undertone to your skin, so you would use a blue undertone red. If you are like me, and you can't really tell, you are probably neutral, so you can pull of any undertone of lipstick. If you need to, use a lipbrush.

Step 4: Use any type of makeup remover, whether it be wipes or just with a cotton bud, go around your lips and clean it up. Then use your regular skin tone concealer and go around your lips.

(Optional) Step 5: After you have concealed and powdered around your lips, take a red or clear gloss and apply it to your lips. Try not to add too much because it could bleed or get onto your teeth. Gross.

So, if you are wanting the perfect red lip, get one, and don't be afraid. :)


Welcome to Cosmetics and Cupcakes 101. Here you will find all kinds of crazy stuff. Tips on beauty related things, baking, cooking, and random things that don't make any sense. I'm a fun person, and I hope that you will enjoy my blog. With lots of ♥, Caroline